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If you're dropping in from Deploying Your First Survey, Welcome! This short guide will familiarize you with Step 2 of the survey process - Select Survey Settings.
Chances are, you've had a bit of a play-around on the platform by now and are now ready to set up your first survey. And now you're wondering:
- Where do I customize my email notifications?
- How do I change the survey scale?
- Which sections of the report should I customize?
- What should I include in the templates?
If you've asked at least one of the above, you're on the right track.
Survey Settings
To edit/create your own templates, you'll need to access Customizations. Scroll down towards the bottom of the webpage, click on the human icon with your name and click into Survey Settings.
Once you're in, you'll notice that there are two options for each customization.
- View/Edit is used for current and existing templates
- +Add is used to create new templates
MRS TIP* When you're first starting out, it's a good practice to copy one of our existing templates and make your changes, as opposed to creating a new one entirely.
Survey Scale
Our platform comes equipped with five standard survey scales. These scales were carefully nominated by our Psych & Consulting Team as a measure of ability and frequency of occurrence.
However, if you find that the nominated scales do not match your survey requirements, it is as simple as clicking on the +Add button and entering your own scale. Be sure to give it an appropriate Template Name and save it for future use.
Survey Buttons
The survey buttons simply refer to how respondents will navigate the survey portal. As their completing their surveys, they can click Back , Proceed, and when they're done, Submit. It is recomended that you use the default options to ensure a smooth survey experience.
Email Notifications
This is where you'll need to pay close attention as the email notifications act as the first point of contact between the survey, and the respondents. As such, it is critical the email content is revised, and personalized to ensure response rates are edge towards 100%.
Self-Person Notification
In any 360/180-degree surveys, Self-Person refers to the individual that is rating themself, and being rated by others. While they should know that a survey invitation is coming their way, it is still important that the following aspects are mentioned in the email:
- A welcome message
- Purpose of the survey (e.g., leadership development program)
- The results of the survey and how it benefits those involved
- A designated contact person who they are familiar with
The email should be kept succinct, and not overwhelming as to prevent them from clicking on and completing the survey.
As your building out your email content, be sure to incorporate hyperlinks to make it more personalized.
Other Participant Notification
This is the email all other respondents will receive as part of their invitation. The content should be kept in alignment with what is stated in the Self-Person Notification, with a few points of emphasis:
- Responses are de-individualized and completely anonymous
- Ratings and feedback should be candid and honest
- Do not let a recent once off disagreement affect feedback
Again, be sure to include hyperlinks, espeacially {PARTICIPANT GROUP} as it will indicate which respondent group they're a part of.
Report Settings
As a refresher, have a look at our report here. As you are going through the report, note that areas where there are text (Letters) are entirely customizable.
Priority Pages
Intro Page
In most cases, the suggestion would be to stick with our default page templates, which provides an explanation and a guide on how to interpret the report. It goes into depth what each section of the report means, and the kind of inferences that can be drawn. Some notable alternatives and/or additions to the survey introduction page are:
- Purpose of the Survey (e.g., is it a organization-wide exercise?)
- Emphasis on this being a beneficial exercise for development
- There will be strengths as well as development areas
- Feedback are anonymized
Summary Page
Similar to the Introduction Page, our default templates provide an overview on the way forward. Specifically, a step-by-step guide on implementing a development strategy for the next 6-months.
If you wish to include a personalized summary page based on the results, you can simply create a template post-survey, replace the existing template and then generate the report.
NOTE - You will have to first re-open the survey.
Accessory Customizations
Report Content (Summary)
Refer to the Respondent Group Alignment (Summary) section of the report, this reflects the text that sits above the bar graph. We suggested using our default template for this section as it perfectly describes how to interpret the data and draw specific inferences.
Report Content (Detailed)
Refer to the Respondent Group Alignment (Detailed) section of the report, this reflects the text that sits above the line graph. Again, it is suggested that you use the default template.
Report Comments (Introduction)
This is the introduction text that appears before the comments in the report. Again, it is suggested that you use our default templates, but feel free to take this opportunity to reiterate the fact that all comments are anonymous.
Survey Comments (Introduction)
This section is intended for additional comments in the survey itself. Most of the default templates will provide a statement as follows:
- Please provide any additional comments that you feel would assist this development program
You'll want to keep your additional comments section simple. Try not to include an actual question that refers to particular competencies/behaviours.
Survey Admin Settings
This section is relatively straightforward. They are simply the notifications the admin users will get when a survey is:
- Activated
- Completed
- Closed
Regardless if you're customizing a survey in Survey Centre, or in My Templates, you will be required to select your survey settings.
Implementing The Changes
Once you've created/edited the templates, it's time to implement the changes. To do so, simply head to Survey Centre, locate your survey where the customized settings should be implemented, and select your newly created template from the drop-down.
Start Customizing Now
Now that you know what each section of the survey setting refers to, and how they work, it is time for you to familiarize yourself with the process. Star customizing now!